
Your Weird Friday Music Video: St. Vincent - Digital Witness

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/07/2014 4:39:08 pm PST

Also from yesterday, WaPo concludes the obvious:

The 19 most religious states all voted for Mitt Romney in 2012

How religious you consider yourself is a remarkably accurate predictor of which party’s presidential candidate you will vote for.

That fact was affirmed this week when Gallup released a 50-state study of the most and least religious states in the country. We took the data — which GovBeat wrote about here — and overlaid it with the 2012 presidential election results. Here’s what we found.

The 19 most religious states — ranked by Gallup as those who identify as “very religious” — all went for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in 2012. (Romney won 24 total states.) In those 19 states, President Obama averaged 39 percent of the vote.
