
RedState Proves the GOP Isn't 'Anti-Science' - By Promoting Creationism

Racer X5/12/2009 10:26:47 pm PDT
Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care

Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation’s health-care system.

The taxes would pay for only a fraction of the cost to expand health-insurance coverage to all Americans and would face strong opposition from the beverage industry. They also could spark a backlash from consumers who would have to pay several cents more for a soft drink.

Proponents of the tax cite research showing that consuming sugar-sweetened drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes and other ailments.

Actually, sitting on your ass and drinking fifteen Cokes a day might be the reason.

They say the tax would lower consumption, reduce health problems and save medical costs. At least a dozen states already have some type of taxes on sugary beverages, said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

The money quote:

“Soda is clearly one of the most harmful products in the food supply, and it’s something government should discourage the consumption of,” Mr. Jacobson said.

Yeah. Alcohol, Tobacco, energy drinks, and weight loss supplements are totally harmless.

Don’t think for one second this is not about TAXES, and punishing companies that are doing well.