
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

jester62/09/2009 9:26:18 am PST

As I suspected, Williamson was not head of typical Roman Catholic seminary. He was head of a schismatic seminary governed by SPSS. And now SPSS has removed him from his role at the seminary.

SPSS and the Catholic church are trying to mend their relationship and this clown has gone from sideshow to center ring. Neither side wants him know and they are obviously marginalizing him.

“The statements from Monsignor Williamson do not in any way reflect the position of our congregation,” said Father Christian Bouchacourt, the society’s South American superior. “A Catholic bishop cannot speak with ecclesiastical authority except on matters concerning faith and morality. Our brotherhood does not claim any authority over other questions.”

Note that the head of SPSS doesn’t refer to Williamson as Bishop, they use the more general title Monsignor. Still a title usually considered more respectful than Father, but not Bishop.