
Video: DeNuke Iran

offendi5/19/2009 1:36:30 pm PDT

re: #878 yoshicastmaster
My friend, assuming you are not a plant or a tool, please let me reply.

Iran is run by a theocracy (which many American liberals think electing a republican is the same thing because they don’t hate the religious) many of whom believe, along with Mr. Ahmadinejad, that there is a nice secret Mahdi hiding down a well, who with an apocalypse, will establish an Islamic paradise on earth. So we have many, many rational people running the Iranian government who will have nuclear weapons.

Israel is only the small Satan. America is the big Satan because : 1) We don’t make our women war burkhas and beat them profusely, or marry them when they are like, 9, 2) we foster the dreaded democracy where people have freedom of choice, speech, dress, and have an open political system where the state does not select the candidates, and 3) we are a successful alternative to the system these sick wackos are selling.

The Iranians are busy funding and supplying the weaponry killing our soldiers in Iraq and has funded terrorism worldwide. Bringing us down is the best thing that can happen to them, and will not only make them the regional Islamic power in the Middle East, but also intimidate the weakling Europeans into not fighting their Eurabia future.

Think suitcase nuke, off-shore boat with nuclear missile, or setting off electronic magnetic pulse, via rocket from say, Venezuela.

Not to worry however. After Professor Obama’s masterful meeting with Netanyahu Israeli officials are already talking about making ‘hard decisions” by the end of the year on Iran. They get Barry is pretty much a clueless do-gooder when dealing with the baddies.