
Very Strange Short Animation of the Day: Pineapple Calamari

Blind Frog Belly White2/06/2016 1:49:17 pm PST

The other thing is, I think that many, many progressives’ positions on marriage equality ‘evolved’. I know mine did.

I was always in favor of Civil Unions for same sex couples, and in fact I thought it was a good idea to separate ‘marriage’ and ‘civil union’ so that every couple would have a civil union, sanctioned by the state, with all the legal benefits currently accruing to marriage currently. If a couple then wanted to be ‘married’, they could seek out the church/temple/mosque/woodland grove of their choice and get married. But that wouldn’t get them anything legally.

Then I thought about it a little more, and realized that was stupid. Why make it so complicated? Just let everyone get married, fer cripes sake!