
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

loppyd1/28/2009 1:01:55 pm PST

Wow. More Jake Tapper:

Also Interior Secretary Ken Salazar joined us at the top of the briefing. Here’s what I asked him.

TAPPER: Mr. Secretary, during the transition, the co-chair of the transition for Mr. — President Obama, John Podesta, said that the president would be overturning some of the executives orders and presidential orders President Bush had put in place about oil and gas exploration on federal lands. We have not seen any executive orders or presidential orders overturning them. And I’m wondering if they’re pending and if you think it’s wise to limit where the United States is able to explore for energy during a time of energy crisis where we’re getting all our oil from abroad.

SALAZAR: The answer to that question is that there are a number of different regulations and actions that were taken by the Bush administration, some of them in the midnight hour as their term expired here, and we have all of those on the table, and we’re taking a look at them. There are some which are bad and which need a new direction. There are probably some which will be kept in place. And so we are now in the process — having now been in the Department of Interior’s position, really, for only about a week — taking a look at all of these regulations. On the more fundamental issue, which I think you’re addressing, which is the approach to oil and gas development, it has to be done in the context of a comprehensive energy plan, and it also has to be done with the right kind of balance. There are places where it is appropriate to explore and to develop oil and gas resources, and there are places that are not appropriate. And so that’s part of what we’ll move forward with in the agenda of the Department of Interior.