
Midday Open Thread

HoosierHoops3/19/2010 3:12:17 pm PDT

Tonight is the only night in all of History that Beck talks about something I really care about.. Water in Central California…
I was born in Firebaugh and have friends there..( I don’t have family there cause some Army guy knocked up a young girl picking fruit for the summer and I was born in somebodies house on the Ranch and I was given away)
(I send Charles any docs he wants…After being awarded the Rublician of the year and being invited to the White House to meet President Bush.. I think he’s over it..I offered my BC as a counterpoint to Obama’s cause after going through the Court System for adoption for 12 years..My BC is a thing of beauty..
This subject is close to my heart…Yet when Beck brings it up it’s like it’s a Commie plot to take over America..Fuck you Beck..This is a political farming issue you fuck…I hate when he does this..It’s like a commie under every rock..Don’t worry Glenn.. They can be voted out of office if it hurts the Valley..Cause you know..It’s like America..We always get to vote..
You frickiing Red baiter