
9/11 Families Who Support Park51 Community Center

RogueOne8/05/2010 10:51:11 am PDT

re: #18 Nene1

I would be in favour of allowing the Islamic Centre to be built, and then monitoring what is actually preached in it.

If it transpires that the preaching consists of gloating over the weakness and stupidity of the West in the face of an all-conquering Ummah, with portraits of ‘the 19’ in the lobby and calls for the destruction of Israel, then we’ll know it.

If the preaching consists of concilliatory moves toward Non-Muslims, with emphasis on only life-affirming doctrine and charitable attitudes toward the whole human family, then we’ll know this too.

For thus reason, can we be assured that the preaching will be in English ?
We’re not in a position to judge either way otherwise.

I would have argued just the opposite. Until the final approval has been given the people of the neighborhood have every right to oppose it for whatever reasons they choose. Once it has been built, churches have the right to say whatever it is they please including we’ll all burn in hell for not being sufficiently god-like.