
Pamela Geller: Obama's Treaties 'Supercede the Constitution'

Kragar8/25/2010 2:46:49 pm PDT

‘Glenn Beck’: Obama’s Faith

Let me quote the president if I may — “let me be clear” — President Obama is not a Muslim. I’m taking his word that he is a Christian. But here’s where it falls apart for many Americans: It’s a Christianity that most Americans just don’t recognize.

I’m not spreading that rumor. I’m telling you what he has told people. I’m telling you now the people he has surrounded himself.

BECK: All right. Now, it’s this kind of ideology that we got from Jeremiah Wright, which makes sense because Jeremiah Wright is the church that Barack Obama found Jesus at — quote, “Kneeling beneath the cross of the south side of Chicago, I felt God’s spirit beckoning me. I” — and key words here — “I submitted myself to his will, and dedicated myself to discovering his truth.”

Even that statement is confusing — submission. Submission to his will. That’s Islam.

America, let me ask you a personal question: If you found Jesus, and you didn’t believe anything, and you found Jesus through Jeremiah Wright and sat there for 20 years and your close personal friend and spiritual adviser was Richard Pfleger and now, your current spiritual adviser is Reverend Jim Wallis, do you think your friends might be confused because that’s not what they hear in their church?

When you’re getting Christianity from that trio, after growing up in a family environment — no fault of his own — where your father is a Muslim, an atheist, your mother at least is not practicing any religion, your stepfather is non-practicing Muslim, your grandparents in frequent something called the “Little Red Church,” I don’t even — I mean, is there any wonder why so many Americans are confused by him? They don’t recognize him as a Christian. No.

Don’t be confused by this. Don’t confuse this with “he’s a Muslim.” I don’t believe he is. You have to learn his theology. Learn his influences. Learn who he has surrounded himself with his whole life. More knowledge, not less. More access to information, not less.

You see, it’s all about victims and victim-hood; oppressors and the oppressed; reparations, not repentance; collectivism, not individual salvation.

I don’t know what that is, other than it’s not Muslim, it’s not Christian. It’s a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it.