
Breitbart Editor John Nolte Picks a Fight With the Muppets

Kragar1/30/2012 12:04:37 pm PST

I’m sure the wingnuts will applaud this business owner exercising his property rights.

Tennessee Restaurant Throws Out Anti-Gay Lawmaker

Earlier today, from what I can tell, the restaurant The Bistro at the Bijou in Knoxville refused service to one Sen. Stacey Campfield. They posted a FB message that said, “I hope that Stacy Campfield now knows what if feels like to be unfairly discrimanted against.” From all that I can ascertain, that was a response to not serving him for his well documented views of ignorance and bigotry towards the GLBT community.

In response, one Matthew Hurtt wrote: So, discriminating against someone because you don’t agree with their political beliefs is perfectly fine. Two wrongs do, in fact, make a right, Fantastic logic!

That’s a fine example of false equivalency. Stacey Campfield, who I’ve met, talked to, and actually kind of like as a human being, is a person of power in this state who has used said power to promote discrimination, misinformation, and outright hatred towards his constituents and other Tennesseans. Knoxvillains who wish to eat out have a whole host of different options from which to choose from. But Tennesseans who want equal representation and rights have only one legislature to look to. While there are many representatives, theirs, Stacey Campfield has made it a mission in his life to make life harder for those who don’t fit his own personal view of ‘normal’.

There is nothing inconsistent or incoherent about discriminating against those with power who actively discriminate against those without power. There is no difference between refusing to serve David Duke than there is Stacey Campfield. While Campfield’s views may currently have more resonance among the American populace, it doesn’t change the fact that he wishes discrimination against people based on who they are.