
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

Mostly sane, most of the time.4/12/2012 10:32:59 am PDT

If Ms. Rosen thinks that Ann Romney had nannies, she should say so. Mrs. Romney may not have had nannies.

She should be careful to use the word “employed” vs. “working.” I’m the mother of five, and I take great offense that I don’t “work.”

When my first was born, I thought back to a job where I had a 15 minute interval chart I had to fill out. (It was for billing.) I remember thinking, “I would need a 15 second interval chart, and sometimes with multiple slots.”

Yes, I have nursed a baby while cooking dinner simultaneously. It can be done, if you really have to.