
Overnight Open Thread

aussiemagpie2/22/2009 7:26:07 am PST

re: #861 gettinby

Is aussiemagpie still here?

Hello {aussie}!

So glad to hear the good news about Julie. You and your family deserve all the good things in life.

/still missing the good ol’ days of the DDT? I do. LOL

{gettinby} G’day!

Yes the good old days….and I can’t believe that sometimes I used to stay up ALL night posting on LGF and then go to work!

Loved those days *sigh*

People move on and others get the stick I suppose….but it’s so good to see some of us oldies still hanging around - though it has been lovely meeting new lizards too :-)

Thanks for thinking about Julie too, it”s now hard to imagine that life of going to hospital every evening, then posting here,sleeping for a bit, working….

The support from all my LGF friends really helped me :-)