
Interview With Michael Brown's Friend: He Was 'Shot Like an Animal'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/13/2014 1:03:07 pm PDT

re: #84 ObserverArt

I think I need to email Billbo O’Really and let him know I am a white person, never in any trouble with the law, home owner, voter, etc., and I too am suspicious of the shooting by the police in Ferguson Missouri.

It might be good if tons of other white people did the same. That fool and the rest of the FOX Fuckers need to hear it.

Not a bad idea but I know the spin already if a bunch did that, complaining about white liberal guilt and shit like that. You’re right though. He does need to hear that plenty of white people like you and myself have plenty of suspicions of the Ferguson PD.