
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Oranges

Joe Bacon ✅4/05/2019 9:20:08 pm PDT

re: #86 GlutenFreeJesus

As if the GOP will hold themselves accountable. lol

They weren’t held accountable when Tricky Dicky had Claire Chennault sabotage the Paris Peace Talks until Tricky got into the White House.

They weren’t held accountable when President Pruneface and his Pals looted the Savings & Loans, flooded South Central Los Angeles with Contra Cocaine and gave arms to Iran.

They weren’t held accountable when Old Fart Bush pardoned all of his Iran-Contra pals

They weren’t held accountable when Dumbya lied us into war with Iraq

They weren’t held accountable when McConnell blocked any attempt to check Russian election interference.

Republicans are above the law.