
Jon Stewart on the Final Tea Party of the Year

Cineaste12/17/2009 11:22:40 am PST

I cannot stand the borrowing of the “First they came for” quote for purposes such as these. This is a policy debate over the way in which we want to deliver health care for our citizens. We should believe that reasonable people on the various sides of the debate all hope that Americans are healthy and can receive competent medical care whenever they need it and for prices that will not destroy them.

Then come the hyperbolic horsemen and make this seem that one side is trying to exterminate the other.

My grandfather was a surgeon, from a line of 16 generations of Rabbis coming from Russia. On April 11th, 1945 he was the chief surgeon of the 102nd Evac Hospital when they entered Buchenwald and he found the bodies of Jews stacked like cord-wood in piles. Those still living were starved shells of human beings. When the soldiers offered them the simple food they had on them (candy bars) the sugar sent the survivors into shock so severe that some died.

Fuck you Laura. Fuck you for trying to co-opt what happened to the millions of innocent people who were tortured and exterminated by the true face evil. Fuck you for demonizing your fellow Americans, with whom you have a simple ideological difference, and trying to convince the uneducated that listen to you that they should fear their fellow citizens. Fuck you for furthering the destruction of discourse in favor of the promotion of sword-over-pen rhetoric. Fuck you for standing on a podium while people advocate violence as a solution to health care.