
'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Promoted America for the Bush Administration

darthstar8/12/2010 11:48:29 am PDT

re: #49 deranged cat

hey guys, a Tea Partier just said that she wants to hang Senator Patty Murray! To the people who were getting all up-in-arms about the NH Dem’s comments about Palin.. ARE YOU GUYS OUTRAGED?? YEA??

That’s from February. This week, their rhetoric has been much more tame.

Rossi has met privately with tea-party groups around the state, and has signed the tea party’s Contract From America. But Dann Selle, a tea-party leader in Spokane, says Rossi retains the “stink of establishment. Didier doesn’t. Didier comes across as down to earth.”

The partisan anger that Didier has tapped was heard at a business round-table lunch in Spokane.

One woman, the owner of two gyms and a temporary-employment agency, was venting about a pro-union bill supported by Murray when she blurted out: “She ought to be shot. Murray and (Sen. Maria) Cantwell ought to be shot.”