
Video: WH Communications Director Dunn Rips Fox News

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/12/2009 6:17:14 pm PDT

re: #869 rwdflynavy

So the church and Wright count for nothing because you’ve been watching him for a couple years? Those are facts by the way.

Wright does not count for nothing. The super far left associations of Obama have always been the most troubling part of him for me. However, Obama is a politician. That is to say, he worked with the base of his constituents and went to bed with some bad partners for no more or less than your standard craven political reasons.

It is in of itself not so different than the GOP folks who pay lip service to the equally odious religious right.

My fear was that he actually believed all that crap. The fact that Obama has almost gleefully put these folks under the bus makes me happy.

Now, does this mark Obama as the most honest fellow, given that he used some freaky people to help launch his political career? Of course not. However, I would much rather that than him actually believing the nonsense.

People like Huckabee and Palin et al, actually believe the nonsense. Futher they translate that crap into policy. As a for instance, the thing that caused me to despise Palin completely is an example of this. She was opposed to rape kits - and hence blocked them as best she could, that included emergency contraception.

So let’s consider this… Ms. Palin, decided for raped women everywhere under her jurisdiction would have to, if they were impregnated by a rapist, carry the child to term, or seek an abortion at a later stage. G-d forbid, you just prevent implantation.

Whatever one’s views on the abortion issue are, you have to be rather extreme to think that concern for a not yet implanted zygote - which still has an easily countable number of cells - as in hundreds at most - out-weighs the idea that a raped woman might be devastated by the idea of carrying her rapist’s child.

This is just one example.

The fact is that Obama is a politician, but not a nut.