
Overnight Open Thread

eschew_obfuscation5/04/2009 8:46:35 am PDT

re: #870 vxbush

Sure. I totally get that. But I’ve seen two people, each with bachelors in the same field, from two different institutions and the one with the degree from the “big name” school got the job. Not always, of course, but enough to make me raise my eyebrows. And yet I’ve talked to kids who have gone to Ivy League schools, and they were taught horribly. Some of my fellow grad students couldn’t do the work, even though that had math degrees from Ivy League schools.

This is another bit of anecdotal evidence indicating that ivy league schools are tough to get into/expensive, but once you’re in, they don’t want any failures, so the standards for graduation are low.

I have a daughter going to a 4th tier, predominately black law school as (I believe) an affirmative action admission who may come out with a better legal education than Harvard graduates.

(…. an unproven allegation on my part ;~)