
Disgusting Racist of the Day

calcajun7/23/2009 3:47:02 pm PDT

Here’s the issue—and then I am really going way down to mine salt as this does not put food on my table—

Is this really racist? I’ve made my feelings known upthread—but racism is like pornography— you know it when you see it.

This photos is a symptom of a syndrome which afflicted the left for eight years and now has infected the right. It’s stupid and it’s counterproductive and some grown-up has got to call it when they see it. I have no idea what the good doctor was trying to say. He might have had a valid point, but by posting this asinine photo, he undermined any credibility he might have had and lost any he hoped to garner. The whole GOP is similarly afflicted.

The only consolation we can take is that the Dems are not able to capitalize on this weakness. BHO just took a major political hit last night and today. Unless he can crack the whip on Congress, both Cap and Trade and the healthcare plan will languish until the fall—if not beyond. If he cannot, and Congress recesses without moving either bill forward, then it will be a huge setback. If the GOP had it’s act together—if it had a leader—it could be making great hay of this. Instead, we’re served up stupid and offensive images that only reinforce the stereotypes about the right.

Look, I am more than halfway through the life span allotted me by the actuarial tables and frankly, life is getting way to short to be polite to stupid people. Charles is absolutely right to keep calling people on nonsense like this because if and when the GOP starts to get traction, the last thing we want is the MSM to dredge merde like this photo and knock us back more.

Later y’all.