
So Today, the Republican Party Stole the Future of America

ipsos12/20/2017 11:53:33 am PST

I am increasingly convinced that the biggest winning point we can make in this argument is the part about the individual tax cuts expiring in 2025 and the corporate cuts remaining permanent.

It’s so craven and so obviously shitty for the little guy that it seems to me that it goes a very long way toward negating any of the “hey, the average family saves 2400 bucks a year” stuff.

And I think it helps that tax time in April will unleash a whole new fresh round of “what’s really IN that bill that they were celebrating last December,” just as memories start to fade.

There’s nothing in this hastily-written shit sandwich of a bill that will help the GOP cause with individual voters in the long run. As long as we’re prepared to play the long game, too, I think we’re in decent shape here.