
New From Seth Meyers: Manafort Flips on Trump; Kavanaugh Accused of Sexual Assault

Targetpractice9/17/2018 7:08:29 pm PDT

re: #5 Belafon

So, their version goes like this?: Her marriage is failing, so, in 2012, she picks some random name from her past, and he suddenly gets chosen for the Supreme Court so she has no choice but to continue her ruse?

That’s how they’re spinning it: She created this story years ago to save her marriage. Atop that, we get this:

The more relevant question is why go to such lengths if Ms. Ford really wanted her name to stay a secret? Even this weekend she could have chosen to remain anonymous. These are the actions of someone who was prepared to go public from the beginning if she had to.

Translation: “Bitch should have kept her mouth shut.”