
Sam Donaldson on the Daily Caller

Eclectic Cyborg6/16/2012 7:36:18 pm PDT
“How do you react to people who say this bill will lead to racial profiling of Hispanics?”

“I think people who feel that way don’t understand this law. The law does not say an officer can simply pull anyone off the street and ask them for papers. It SAYS that if an officer is already investigating a crime and has reason to believe that one or more of the persons involved may be in the country illegally, he is obligated to act on that and notify immigration enforcement authorities.”

“What if the law actually does cause an increase in racial profiling?”

“I highly doubt that will happen. I think most fears to that regard are silly and unfounded. As I stated a moment ago, this bill is most definitely NOT a free pass for racial profiling. It was never intended that way.”

“I’d like your reaction to this story if you don’t mind: About four months ago, a couple living in the country illegally along with their 11 year old daughter were deported after being found out. The girl had been born in Mexico but had lived in the United States since she was two years old. She had only known America her entire life, but suddenly had to go back to a country she virtually no connections to. Do you think this situation should have been handled differently? Should the girl have been allowed to stay?

Arnold chuckled a bit. “Ok, I know I’m going to catch some heat for what I’m about to say, but I don’t care. What happened to that girl was unfortunate, but the fact is she and her parents were here ILLEGALLY. I don’t know how many times I need to come back to this. That girl might have had a massive culture shock upon returning to Mexico but guess what? That’s where she was born. Neither she nor her parents have any claims to U.S. residency or citizenship. In my opinion the decision was right.

“That could be described as a cold hearted point of view Mr. Congressman.”

“That may be so but it’s an accurate point of view nevertheless. Let me make something clear here: The United States of America is NOT responsible for what happened to the girl. Not the American President, Not the American Government and NOT the American people. Why not? Well it’s simple. It was her parents…HER PARENTS who made the decision to come to this country illegally. They and they alone bear responsbility for the circumstances the girl now has to live with.

You call me cold hearted. I can’t help but wonder if maybe it might be time to get a little cold hearted with these people. I have no desire to coddle criminals. I think the Government of the United States has for far too long been far too lenient and forgiving when it comes to illegal immigration. As a result, Arizona steps up and takes some of the fight into its own hands and yeah, we’re going to get a bit of a backlash from that, but you know what? Bring it on.

I’m not scared of Liberals. I’m not scared of Conservatives. I’m not scared of whites, blacks or Mexicans. It’s time people started putting their foot down on this more often and I’m glad Arizona is leading the way. It’s a proud moment for our great state.”