
Mike Huckabee Says He Wishes He Could've Been Transgender in High School So He Could Shower With Girls

ObserverArt6/02/2015 3:53:35 pm PDT

re: #76 EPR-radar

On this subject, Umberto Eco’s “Ur-Fascism” is as relevant as ever. The definition given in that paper can be found here.

Some parts of this definition are reproduced below, their relevance to the GOP being self-evident.

This definition has 14 points, and it would appear that the GOP is a perfect match for 13 of these 14 points.

Thanks for the link. And yeah, I am with you on all of this. Too bad people will use the Godwin thing as an excuse for real critical thinking. Maybe it is a way to try to ignore realities.

A buddy and I used to spend long hours in a small fishing boat thinking about stuff like this back in the 80s. We swore we would see the day. All of our friends thought we were nuts.

Sadly my friend died back in 2011. I bet he would be amazed to see where we are now. Up until he died, we were both pretty sure our thinking was still on track.