
Barton Apologizes for Apologizing to BP for Obama's 'Shakedown'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/17/2010 2:03:06 pm PDT

I see that someone promoted my Pages link on the Human Events AGW=evolution=evil story.

To follow up on that, to show how the anti-AGW-science movement is indeed following on the heels of the anti-evolutionists, this came across the wires today:

Global warming book withdrawn

Millard Public Schools will stop using a children’s book about global warming — but only until the district can obtain copies with a factual error corrected.

A review committee, convened after parents complained, concluded that author Laurie David’s book, “The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming,” contained “a major factual error” in a graphic about rising temperatures and carbon dioxide levels.


Three parents, including Robyn Terry, complained to the district. The Terrys’ 12-year-old son attended Beadle Middle School last year. Mrs. Terry said that the materials used in his class portrayed global warming as fact when scientists disagree.

In the video, DiCaprio attributes global warming to mankind’s “destructive addiction” to oil. He says “big corporations” and politicians gained too much money and power “on our addiction,” making them “dangerously resistant to change.”

In the letter to parents, Feldhausen said the committee recognized there are “multiple viewpoints” on global warming. The committee recommended that all teachers using the book “make students aware of both sides of the global warming theory,” he said.

This is 100% TEACH THE CONTROVERSY. Whatever the error in the book, this is highly analogous to the Haeckel drawings brouhaha that has come up time and again wrt evolution.