
Secretary of Agriculture Stands By Request for Sherrod's Resignation

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/20/2010 1:27:39 pm PDT

re: #73 Fozzie Bear

OT: The senate finally broke the filibuster on unemployment benefit extensions. Benefits will be extended, and retroactively.

Finally some fucking good news.

I am getting madder by the moment about Sherrod. Fucking insane, this is. Disgraceful. I can hardly contain myself.

Fuck all these racists that have reared their heads. Fuck Beck, fuck Rush, fuck the GOP’s enabling of so much racism. This is getting worse, day by fucking day.

The Democrats may be spineless on this at the moment, but Brietbart is fucking evil. Fox news and their race-baiting on the black panther bullshit is evil. All of those who enabled O’Keefe’s lies out of expediency and race-baiting politics are evil.

We are a melting pot. This is tearing our nation up. This is a betrayal of what America is.