
Guardian's '2010 Buzz Words' Takes Swipe at Assange

Alexzander12/26/2010 3:12:38 pm PST

re: #75 Aceofwhat?

wait, what does this mean?

Yeah good call. What I meant was that many of the people who seem to have similar goals as Assange (anti-hierarchical, utopian-egalitarian, down with the establishment man!, yadda yadda) yet lack his pathos’ (mysogeny, controlling, secretive) tend to be pretty ineffectual. Think pacificist vegan anarchist who volunteers at a book co-op. Unlike many of those individuals, Assange actually made a strike against his percieved enemies.
Other examples of ‘successful’ individuals who believed their had populist missions yet who ultimately harboured (and were overcome by) their own facist power-hungry dimension: most dictators of the 20th century (Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot).