
Exclusive! Glenn Beck's Replacement Host Leaked

simoom4/06/2011 3:10:45 pm PDT

Tim Pawlenty on Dennis Miller’s radio show:

“I think what happens now is that the intelligence folks come in and brief him in the morning and he’s looking for a pair of Depends and so I think he’s in over his head on a lot of levels and a lot of ways and that’s reflect in how he thrashes about and in some ways almost incoherently to these developing security situations.”

Tim Pawlenty joked Tuesday that President Barack Obama needs to reach for the Depends before launching any drone strikes.

Pawlenty’s crack came during an appearance on Dennis Miller’s radio show, in which he slammed Obama for not being more “forward leaning and aggressive” on national security issues. The way Obama “thrashes about” shows that he’s “in over his head,” Pawlenty said.