
How It's Done

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/07/2012 7:53:49 pm PST

The best thing to do a corpse is bury it:

UnSkewed No More

To his credit, Dean Chambers has published a column that flatly states that he was wrong and in which he congratulates (although still does not apologize to) Nate Silver.

This quote struck me, however, for a couple of reasons: is just one web site and one project I did, and depending on your point of view it was proven wrong, it has run its course or it will fade away. It is merely a web site and only part of what I do and will do. There will be other web sites, and the more important web sites I work with will remain in place.


Apparently “right or wrong” depends upon one’s “point of view”. Who knew statistics was so touchy-feely?