
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet

Dark_Falcon7/02/2009 10:19:39 pm PDT

re: #897 austin_blue

You seem to be saying that ACORN was responsible for Franken’s win. Any link to that? And ACORN is worth billions? Really? Most community organizers I know of work for something just above minimum wage (which is what got ACORN in trouble in the first place on its voter registration drives). Don’t get me wrong, I think the collection of voter names by ACORN was atrocious, but the fact is that the Registrars in the various States caught the bullshit. There is no hard evidence that ACORN’s actions resulted in widespread voter fraud.

OK, I know that this goes against perceived fact, so I will just duck now.

ACORN has been involved with fraud before, and I’m of the “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” school of thinking. As for how much there’re worth, there is no clear way to say with the amount of cash they take in a disperse.