
Monday Morning Open

Walter L. Newton1/18/2010 3:25:58 pm PST

re: #899 Bagua

Here are a couple comments Professor SJ Richard Tol, Professor of the Economics of Climate Change recently made about the IPCC process he was involved with, during a chat on the latest IPCC revelations I was involved in.

This sort of bias by selection is a major problem in science, including medical science, in which patients likely to do poorly are excluded from studies either prior or during the study in order to produce better results. I personally know of this as a widespread phenomenon from one of the premier medical research hospitals in the country. And no I won’t give details that would help identify me, so feel free to dismiss this as rumour.

And I don’t have to worry about being “outed” since everyone know who I am. I saw the same sort of exclusion of scientist if their findings were not helpful in generating new funding, even if their science was 100 percent spot on.

I worked at the National Renewable Energy Lab for 13 years and I saw this happen all the time. ANYONE who would try to tell me that AGW science is pure science, and never influenced by money and politics, well, I have a bridge for sale in Arizona.

This is real life, not church.