
A Bad Lip Reading Remix: Bernie vs. Hillary

BeachDem4/24/2016 8:19:38 am PDT

re: #71 Dark_Falcon

No, it wouldn’t be awful. Kaisch wouldn’t pick some crazy teabagger, he’d pick someone within the political mainstream.

And you know this how? Look at some of the people Kasich has appointed to various positions in Ohio (and some of them he appointed to boards, then made the boards private and non-accountable) and get back to me. Look up the “Jobs Ohio” history.

Mark Kvamme was Kasich’s first pick to lead to Ohio Department of Development. But it was soon revealed that Kvamme was constitutionally ineligible to serve in that role, so Assistant Director Kristi Tanner ended up signing all the documents to prevent any problems when Kvamme eventually left.

Kvamme was replaced by James Leftwich, who lasted a whole 106 days before being replaced by Christiane Schmenk.

Kvamme took over at head of JobsOhio and Leftwich was hired back as a consultant for Kasich. Both quit their jobs the same week we reported that Leftwich was effectively selling access to Third Frontier and JobsOhio through his new consulting company.

His freaking chief of staff is married to the guy (who he also appointed) who fabricated data on charter schools.