
Amazing New Track From Dirty Loops: "Breakdown"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs11/28/2020 12:57:55 pm PST

re: #85 Mattand

What keeps going through my mind with the constant “Throw out the election because the only way Trump could have lost is by cheating” is that if Trump and his clown car were the slightest bit competent, there’s a good chance they’d have pulled the whole fucking coup off.

What keeps me up at night is that McConnell and other non-insane Republicans are dissecting this whole mess to make sure they don’t make the same mistakes next time.

It’s been said by smarter people than me already, but Republicans, both voter and politician, got a tase of fascism and decided they want more of it. A lot more. And they have a roadmap now on how to get there.

This right here is why there MUST be consequences. Big time consequences; jail time, massive fines, etc.