
Video: The Archiver

91 5:18:18 pm PDT

re: #83 dragonfire1981

Hey Reine, how do you feel about the politics of the South?

Coming from a relatively Liberal family in Canada to the gulf coast was quite the change for me as far community politics go.

A lot of people I encounter down here are Republicans of the Tea Party variety who love their Fox News. I swear its on in every doctors office and waiting room around here.

People do love FoxNews. But also CNN. MSNBC - No. Way.

I’m not sure where you are. Sure you will encounter a lot of Tea Party folks in certain areas. In areas like NOLA, or Baton Rouge, not as much. It helps living in the capital city of a state - our newspaper covers state and national politics much more in-depth than any other newspaper in the state. I’m often amazed, when I visit other towns, how out of touch some of my friends are with what’s going on. The ones who are in touch are ones who travel some with their jobs, to BR or NOLA. Their local news and newspapers simply don’t cover it. It’s one reason I like my FB account; I can put informative things there, and get conversations going sometimes.