
LGF on Glenn Beck

sleepyone4/16/2009 7:32:50 pm PDT

re: #904 Charles

Oh please. Nothing in any of that indicates anything more than a confused young woman. Calling her “a plant” is absolutely ridiculous.

While she may not be a “plant” I believe she is absolutely there to poke fun at the “rednecks” or whatever she thinks of conservatives or right-wingers. Call it what you will but she is having some fun at other’s expense and knows exactly what she’s doing. Either that or she is indeed disturbed and needs psychological help.

And you’re right that it’s distressing when the audience didn’t immediately shout her down but instead clapped but as I said in an earlier thread, even Borat could get a group of people to say and do things they might nor normally do.

I’m not making excuses for the crowd but merely offering an alternative view of how things may have occurred.