
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Wozza Matter?11/18/2009 8:48:55 pm PST

re: #834 TheMatrix31

we are talking - essentially - strip away the emotion - about a matter of law. you just simply can not say “they don’t believe in the system, therefore they don’t deserve the system”…

If you apply that across the spectra it would mean a serial killer who hated lawyers would never be brought to trial because he did not believe in lawyers.

Britain suffered 40 years of terrorism at the hands of the IRA - and we tried to deal with them extrajudicially -but over and over and over again it back fired.

They did not kill 3,000 in one go but they killed many people and often - if there are legal grounds for a trial in an established court system it has to be done that way for the sake of the bigger ideals. Truth, justice and equality under the law - if you start stripping away those qualities for one class of criminal then the system itself becomes worthless - and thats what the bad guys want.

If they can change American society and bring them to believe in accepting different norms then they win.

Terrorism isn’t about the dead people - it’s not a body count excersise - it’s bigger than that, a whole heap lot bigger than that. Terror seeks to exert change through fear - and if the system changes - like it has already - they start to win.

Discarding the big ticket items now doesn’t do anyone any good later.