
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Donna Ballard1/19/2010 9:01:09 pm PST

re: #878 EmmmieG

My mother had two sisters and a brother.

Two are relatively conservative, religious.

Two are liberal, not really religious.

Religion and politics have been banned subjects as long as I can remember, and I’m the second oldest of the next generation.

(Except for Grandma, who would adjust her views according to whichever family she was visiting. She loved to play Devil’s advocate.)

My maternal Grandma, bless her soul, was a staunch liberal. Unfortunately my Aunts (all five of them) and Uncle seemed to follow suit. I’m just grateful they also banned politics from family gatherings or I would never have gone. One of my Aunts was so bad I used to teasingly baaaa at her because she was sheep-like in her devotion to anything the dems wanted, no matter what, they could do no wrong. Bleaugh! Talk about nauseating!