
In Which 278 Cellists Play "Adagio for Strings" by Samuel Barber

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/31/2020 12:42:24 pm PST

re: #75 stpaulbear

It’ll be fine until the English sparrows show up.

I put up a hanging tray of golden safflower about a month ago and I’m getting chickadees, cardinals, house sparrows, nuthatches, goldfinches and one blue jay, but it’s also getting mobbed by the English sparrows, a bird so rotten that a MN DNR book about birding says to go ahead and kill them if you have too many.

My feeder back when I had a house was just stocked with oil sunflower seeds. Which the sparrows pretty much ignored, but the others you list above like.

My current neighbor puts out a mix with a lot of millet in it. Which means the bird flock there is heavily English sparrows. Though recently a Carolina Wren has been hanging out with them as well.