
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

hickph11/18/2009 5:29:53 pm PST

What happened to the home of the brave? We will convict this maggot and never hear from him again. The GOP flip-flopping in all of this is ridiculous. We tried Moussaoui in New York and sent him away. Sen. Sessions said it was proper to do so back then and so did Giuliani. Were a Republican proposing this, everyone on the right would be lining up behind it. Honestly, why the defeatist attitude?

As for cost? Freedom isn’t free, brother. What happened to bear any burden and pay any price?

We have a judicial system that separates us from tyrannical rule and has served as a model for the rest of the world. KSM will have justice rendered unto him and get what he deserves. He is not a villain with super powers. He is what he is: A murdering thug with no respect for human life. No more. No less. Try him. Convict him and move on.