
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Shug1/29/2009 7:07:51 am PST

re: #912 SteveC

but if a Primary Care Doc sees 20 patients a day and can only charge about $100 per patient, and a Specialist sees 10 patients a day and can charge $500 per patient, where are the young docs going to go?

And what’s to stop those guys from moving into specialty areas once their obligations are completed? You can’t keep ‘em down on the farm.

I am NOT saying a Specialist makes too much money. He busted his buns through college, med school, internship, and whatever it took to learn his area well enough to specialize. If he put that much effort into shaping his life, he deserves to reap the rewards.

of even worse, they see 70 patients a day ( all with multiple nagging chronic problems) and the reimbursement is 20 bucks a patient and you have to pay somebody to fill out the 3 forms to collect your 20 dollars