
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

avanti6/20/2009 1:08:19 pm PDT

re: #892 pre-Boomer Marine brat


I stay out of these lovefests, but in this case I’d like to point out that the evidence of blatant corruption of the election results (circumstantial as it might be at this point) is pretty much overwhelming. The Supreme Leader has also made it quite clear that he’s in no way interested in sorting out anything.

In my opinion, this raises the game to a completely different level.

Do you know who won, and by what margin ? We may be certain there was corruption, but did it change the outcome ? What do we do with that information other then support the right to peaceful protest. I see lots of bitching about the worlds reaction, but very little about how it could be better done.