
Overnight Open Thread

Macker4/05/2009 9:21:04 am PDT

re: #920 rightymouse

He sounds as though he’s mad about something unrelated to the spanking and blames you. None of my business, but perhaps talking to him about this could help?

Long story short: he stopped talking to me six years ago on Father’s Day, while I was unemployed. When I moved to AZ in 2004, they were furious because his mother wanted me to be his babysitter instead of his father. They want nothing more to do with me.
I’ve tried calling him on several occasions, but they hang up on me every time. So, he’s now 21, he’s his own man, and if he wants to have a relationship with me, he’ll have to make that decision. I can’t make it for him.
And his mother? She frakked him up but good so Frak her….