
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Leonidas Hoplite8/20/2009 2:15:01 pm PDT

re: #899 LudwigVanQuixote

Yooper, Hoplite, what did I write that was false in any way? Do come out and say?

I didn’t care for your condescension, that’s why I down-dinged you.

I’m not convinced that AGW is A. Go ahead, call me a ‘denier’, it’ll just make me dig in my heels and not win you over to your side.

I recently read a book titled Cool It by a scientist that does beleive in AGW, but offers up a long list of alternatives to deal with it beside cap-and-trade. While I don’t necessarily agree with him, his thoughts on the subject were far more rational and realistic, in my opinion, and I found the book helpful in understanding the issue.