
Overnight Open Thread

VioletTiger6/27/2009 8:23:45 am PDT

My grandparents came through Ellis Island from Sicily. They brought their food, their language, their love of family and the earth. They brought grapes and wine making skills. They brought their love of the Catholic church.

But they loved America and my grandpop was the biggest patriot I ever knew. Every seashell in his garden was painted red white and blue. He had flags everywhere. They brought good things, good additions. But they didn’t try and force anything on the people here before them. They brought additions, but they assimilated and had love and respect for the country. I’d love to see any emmigrants who want to bring the same.

However, if you want to come here and trash our way of life and impose your laws and your rules, I don’t have a lot of time for you.