
Jindal on 60 Minutes

Jetpilot11013/02/2009 7:49:59 pm PST

re: #920 3 wood

Thank you for the very kind words.

To put it in a nutshell, for about a decade we priced “risk” at almost zero. Now we have gone the other way and priced risk at almost an infinite price. At the same time we have people in charge who only know how to spend money.

Obama is close to ruining his administration and I don’t think he realizes it. Wait until the double digit inflation hits and see how his left wing buddies like him then.

It’s bound to happen especially when the printing presses are humming 24/7/365 trying to keep pace with all the pigs running out of DC. I’m hedging my bets with gold and a nice ETF that returns double on oil (DXO). Long term, I think I’ll do fine.