
The Next Anti-Hillary Attack Is Queued Up: She Used a "Noise Machine" Against the Media

Shimshon4/08/2016 6:59:38 am PDT

re: #92 Great White Snark

Good Morning from Los Angeles. Well the President is in town raising some green for the party cause, mentioned his three Osprey flight group went literally over my head. Wow that’s big bucks, $30k, even $60K to attend. For all the problems Hollywood can and does have, cash flow seems not to be an issue.

About those planes-It was twilight & cloudy, ever so slightly rainy. Reason I mention conditions is the planes appeared to have St elmos fire on the propeller tips, or maybe green LED’s for safety ? Anyway for a moment at distance the three planes looked a little like six flying saucers as if right from a 50’s Scifi movie.

One more thing-Local media got Don Cheadle talking up Miles Ahead, his directorial debut about Miles Davis. Saw the trailer and it looks like I gotta go see that, thinking all the jazz fans around here too?

Excuse my pedantry but the President is still not allowed to travel in Ospreys.