
Video: Tea Party, The Documentary Film

Rightwingconspirator10/29/2009 8:17:27 pm PDT

Maybe this goes back further-But when the Bush critics spent so many years with over the top shrill/extremist post 9/11 crap, they opened the door to more of the same the very minute the shoe switched feet. I lost the last of my patience with the shrill then, and therefore agree in full with the opposition to the shrill race baiting hyperbolic right. I’m done with shrill.

You folks know I went to the recent Tea Party in L.A. I expected a crazier scene. Some of you saw the pictures or the video. It has its extremists but was far more tame than DC or the documentary trailer. The tea party organizer got asked point blank-How do we legally change the government.

The man answered VOTE. I know of no better answer. Is that a revolutionary? Is that a threat? Its a call to vote.

As crazy as these people may get we have a natural continuance of a lack of respect for the office of the President and all it contains.

In part we have the left to blame for the errors of the right. In any case I’d love for the shrill to stop. Stop the partisan dogma. Start taking solutions. Our respective parties have abandoned this critical coping with opposition skill. Its a darn shame. At the end of the day we all have a choice-fight or work it out. Reagan and Tip O’Neill did it. Newt and Bill did it. Hey those in charge-Take notice of your mentors.

We see a glimpse of this here. I have seen some good lizards throw down pretty hard. Fair enough we are adults here. But again at the end of the day we are all here for a reason. A reason that shows we are more bound together than divided.