
Breaking the Taboo - A Documentary On the Disastrous War On Drugs

Viscous Obama12/09/2012 8:57:28 pm PST

I just got done reading about this “Reign Down” thing that’s featured in Randall’s Page- that’s the thing that Kansas Guv Brownback is hawking right now.

I figured I’d check out the actual site, and see if I could get some …illumination.

In July of 2005, God woke up a 31-year old stay-at-home mom to give her a vision for His people, revealing that He was about to move in a mighty way. His call to humility, prayer, worship, seeking Him with all of our heart, and repentance of our own personal sins was a cry for us to turn back to Him. “I am HERE!” He said. “I never left you! It is time…time to put me back in the center.” He promised that as the Body of Christ gathered together in worship, prayer, and true repentance, He would reign down His blessings and miracles in an unprecedented way. The vision very clearly showed Michael W. Smith leading worship and former President George W. Bush repenting on behalf of the nation, culminating in a movement of God’s hand across America to bring healing, restoration and unprecedented unity and prosperity.

Who the **** is Michael J. Smith, and why is George W. Bush repenting for his own crappy presidency? Oh this is so delightfully crazy.