
Nevada GOP Lawmaker: Cancer Is a "Fungus" That Can Be "Flushed Out" With Baking Soda

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/25/2015 4:08:00 am PST

re: #90 kg7u

The original Link quotes her as using “sodium carbonate” to flush out the cancer, and then the author says “we think she means sodium bicarbonate.” I think she DID mean carbonate. “Bicarbonate” is an obsolete term in modern chemistry discourse, although it lingers in use in medicine, for “hydrogen carbonate.” It would be extra weird to give a patient sodium CARbonate [“washing soda”] via a PICC [not PIC] line than sodium BIcarbonate [“baking soda”] which is at least still used for some purposes in medicine, in the reality based community; although not to flush out white fungus, I mean, cancer. Also, washing soda won’t make your biscuits fluffy.

The transcription is a bit dodgy, so pic should be PICC, but the rest of it conveys the craziness of the suggested treatment. If a saline/NaHCO3 drip was all that cancer patients needed, I kinda suspect medicine would have stumbled upon that treatment decades ago, given than a saline drip is often given patients to keep then hydrated.

The sodium bicarb idea fits in with another woo-woo medical idea that controlling one’s pH balance can cure diseases. Orac wrote about it a while ago