
New Music From Becca Stevens & the Secret Trio: "The Eye"

piratedan6/04/2021 8:29:06 am PDT

going to have a take here that is likely not going to be very popular… while many of us are pissed off at Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema for their positions on the filibuster and getting legislation passed and playing into the hands of the GOP and the “do nothing” paintbrush that they use to justify their criticisms on Congress and Government (and to be honest I am as well) I need to remind us all that this is brought to us courtesy of Mitch McConnell.

This “standoff” doesn’t happen if McConnell doesn’t lean on his fellow Republicans and that they GO ALONG WITH IT to perpetuate this farce.

If the GOP Senators were “allowed” to vote their conscience on certain issues, we would likely have some creaky semblance of bipartisanship and see slower incremental change, but change all the same… instead, they enable McConnell to have an inordinate amount of leverage in what gets passed and what gets voted on and to illustrate that he is the one who has the final say (which is twisted to say the least) in regards to being a hurdle that refuses to be cleared.

In a way, Manchin and Sinema are quaint, misguided, stupid and out of touch with how the GOP actually is and while that is indeed infuriating they are right on this one thing… it doesn’t have to be this way. The REASON for why it is this way boils down to Mitch McConnell and the scorched earth tactics approach to Government and the spineless members of the GOP caucus who could simply ignore him and cast votes as they wish.