
Seth Meyers: Surprise! Mike Lindell Fails to File Big SCOTUS Case He Promised by Thanksgiving

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/25/2021 3:03:23 am PST

Sweden’s new prime minister resigns after government falls (The Local)

Just hours after her election, Sweden’s incoming Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson handed in her resignation after a tense budget vote threw the government into crisis.

Her decision to step down followed a turbulent series of events that saw her budget fail to pass through parliament before the junior Greens Party announced it was leaving the coalition government.

“There is a constitutional practice that a coalition government should resign when one party quits,” Andersson, a Social Democrat, told reporters.

“I don’t want to lead a government whose legitimacy will be questioned.”

Andersson said she hoped to be elected to the position again soon as the head of a minority government made up of only the Social Democrats.

Wednesday’s crisis began when the Centre Party withdrew its support for Andersson’s budget, due to the concessions made to the Left. That meant the new PM’s budget didn’t have enough votes to pass in parliament.

Lawmakers instead adopted an alternative budget presented by the opposition conservative Moderates, Christian Democrats and far-right Sweden Democrats.


The stability of parliaments with several parties.